*Includes points for residential clean energy actions, including the installation and financing of residential clean energy systems and CTCleanEnergyOptions signups
** Includes points for commercial clean energy actions including the installation and financing of commercial clean energy systems.

Connecticut Municipal Energy Dashboard

Statewide CO2 Emissions Avoided



Statewide Electricity Savings



Statewide Natural Gas Savings



Statewide Installed Renewable Energy Capacity


kW Class 1 Renewables

Data Displayed is good thru December 31, 2023

CO2 emissions reduced and energy savings is collected through the Energy Efficiency Board Annual Legislative Reports. Click here to view Annual Reports.


 Click on a Town above to proceed to the Town Profile page

   Utility Territory

United Illuminating
Not Eligible
Energy Efficiency Participation
Households :   28%
Residential Rebates Redeemed :   14%
Businesses :   50%
Total Points Earned :    480
Total Redeemed Points :    100
Total Remaining Points :    380

Total Participation as of Feb 28, 2025

Total Energy Consumed By Households
Total Electric Usage (kWh):   11,276,921
Total Natural Gas Usage (ccf):   493
Total Energy Consumption in 2024
Total Energy Consumed By Businesses
Total Electric Usage (kWh):   2,288,009
Total Natural Gas Usage (ccf):   0
Total Energy Consumption in 2024
Total energy consumed is based off of the most recent calendar year. Households include all residential electric and natural gas customers of Eversource, UI, SCG, & CNG. Businesses encompass all non-residential electric and natural gas customers (commercial, industrial, and municipal) of Eversource, UI, SCG, & CNG.
Bright Idea Grant #1 #1
Eligible Amount$5,000
Redeemed:December, 2015
Used grant to replace 11 windows with ENERGY STAR rated windows at the Andover Senior Center.
Local Clean Energy Contact:
Committee Meeting:

Contact Clean Energy Communities at: Contact CEC Team

About Clean Energy Communities

Clean Energy Communities(CEC) is a nationally-recognized Energize Connecticut program to help cities and towns save energy and increase the installation of renewable energy. To join the program, municipalities pledge to reduce their municipal building energy consumption by 20 percent, attain 20 percent of municipal electricity needs from renewable sources, and take other actions to support the deployment of clean energy by 2018.

Energy experts from Eversource and United Illuminating work with municipalities to develop a Municipal Action Plan to achieve these goals, which includes bench marking the energy usage of municipal buildings – this evaluation of each building’s energy usage is one of the first steps to identifying solutions to reach program goals. We provide municipalities with customized energy solutions and innovative financing options to complete energy efficiency work for the benefit of the entire community.

Public involvement is critical to helping a community reach its energy goals. Once the pledge is signed, residents and businesses that take advantage of Energize CT energy efficiency solutions can help their community earn a grant, ranging from $5,000 to $15,000, which can be used toward a community-selected energy saving project. These “Bright Idea Grants” can be used on a community-selected energy saving project, like the installation of an electric car charging station at town hall or new LED lighting for a school

Community Milestones

These milestones were created to add another level of recognition for communities to achieve. Click on your town profile to see what level your community has achieved.

Attributes of Clean Energy Community Achievements Required to Advance
Bronze Community
  1. Clean Energy Community Pledge Signed
  1. Establish Energy Task Force
  2. Engage in Community Awareness of Energy Efficiency (EE)
  3. Earn First Bright Idea Grant
  4. Start Portfolio Manager Account & 1 fiscal year data
  5. 10% Residential ee Participation
  6. 10% Commercial
Silver Community
  1. Establish Energy Task Force
  2. Engage in Community Awareness of Energy Efficiency (EE)
  3. Earn First Bright Idea Grant
  4. Start Portfolio Manager Account & 1 fiscal year data
  5. 10% Residential ee Participation
  6. 10% Commercial
  1. Benchmark 100% Data from Municipal and Board of Education buildings in Portfolio Manager
  2. Redeemed first Bright Idea Grant for energy saving project or program
  3. Completed outreach campaign for residential and/or business community
  4. Achieve 20% Residential ee Participation
  5. Achieve 15% Commercial ee Participation
Gold Community
  1. Benchmark 100% Data from Municipal and Board of Education buildings in Portfolio Manager
  2. Redeemed first Bright Idea Grant for energy saving project or program
  3. Completed outreach campaign for residential and/or business community
  4. Achieve 20% Residential ee Participation
  5. Achieve 15% Commercial ee Participation
  1. Developed a Municipal Action Plan (MAP)
  2. Audited 100% Municipal and Board of Education Buildings with C&I Engineer
  3. Achieve 20% energy reduction goal (CEC pledge)
  4. Engaged in continuous outreach ee campaign
  5. Integrated eeSmarts Curriculum in Schools
  6. Implementing MAP recommendations
  7. Redeemed Second Bright Idea Grant
  8. Achieved 30% Residential ee Participation
  9. Achieved 20% Commercial ee Participa-tion
Sustainable Community
  1. Developed a Municipal Action Plan (MAP)
  2. Audited 100% Municipal and Board of Education Buildings with C&I Engineer
  3. Achieve 20% energy reduction goal (CEC pledge)
  4. Engaged in continuous outreach ee campaign
  5. Integrated eeSmarts Curriculum in Schools
  6. Implementing MAP recommendations
  7. Redeemed Second Bright Idea Grant
  8. Achieved 30% Residential ee Participation
  9. Achieved 20% Commercial ee Participa-tion
  1. 50% Municipal and Board of Education Buildings (if eligible) Achieve Energy Star Ratings or 20% EUI reduction from CEC base-line year (if ineligible).
  2. Establish Commercial Building Energy Re-porting Policy
  3. Promote Department of Energy Home Energy Score
  4. Regularly Updating MAP with new projects
  5. Regularly Updating EPA PM Account
Attributes of Clean Energy Community Achievements Required to Advance
Bronze Community
  1. Clean Energy Community Pledge Signed
  1. Establish Energy Task Force
  2. Engage in Community Awareness of Energy Efficiency (EE)
  3. Earn First Bright Idea Grant
  4. Start Portfolio Manager Account & 1 fiscal year data
  5. 10% Residential ee Participation
  6. 10% Commercial
Silver Community
  1. Establish Energy Task Force
  2. Engage in Community Awareness of Energy Efficiency (EE)
  3. Earn First Bright Idea Grant
  4. Start Portfolio Manager Account & 1 fiscal year data
  5. 10% Residential ee Participation
  6. 10% Commercial
  1. Benchmark 100% Data from Municipal and Board of Education buildings in Portfolio Manager
  2. Redeemed first Bright Idea Grant for energy saving project or program
  3. Completed outreach campaign for residential and/or business community
  4. Achieve 20% Residential ee Participation
  5. Achieve 15% Commercial ee Participation
Gold Community
  1. Benchmark 100% Data from Municipal and Board of Education buildings in Portfolio Manager
  2. Redeemed first Bright Idea Grant for energy saving project or program
  3. Completed outreach campaign for residential and/or business community
  4. Achieve 20% Residential ee Participation
  5. Achieve 15% Commercial ee Participation
  1. Developed a Municipal Action Plan (MAP)
  2. Audited 100% Municipal and Board of Education Buildings with C&I Engineer
  3. Achieve 20% energy reduction goal (CEC pledge)
  4. Engaged in continuous outreach ee campaign
  5. Integrated eeSmarts Curriculum in Schools
  6. Implementing MAP recommendations
  7. Redeemed Second Bright Idea Grant
  8. Achieved 30% Residential ee Participation
  9. Achieved 20% Commercial ee Participa-tion
Sustainable Community
  1. Developed a Municipal Action Plan (MAP)
  2. Audited 100% Municipal and Board of Education Buildings with C&I Engineer
  3. Achieve 20% energy reduction goal (CEC pledge)
  4. Engaged in continuous outreach ee campaign
  5. Integrated eeSmarts Curriculum in Schools
  6. Implementing MAP recommendations
  7. Redeemed Second Bright Idea Grant
  8. Achieved 30% Residential ee Participation
  9. Achieved 20% Commercial ee Participa-tion
  1. 50% Municipal and Board of Education Buildings (if eligible) Achieve Energy Star Ratings or 20% EUI reduction from CEC base-line year (if ineligible).
  2. Establish Commercial Building Energy Re-porting Policy
  3. Promote Department of Energy Home Energy Score
  4. Regularly Updating MAP with new projects
  5. Regularly Updating EPA PM Account
Note: Please scroll right to see more content


Towns are encouraged to host and/or attend local events to increase awareness and participation of energy efficiency in their community. If you would like any support for your event contact the Clean Energy Communities team. To promote your event, submit the details on the Energize CT event calendar to be added. To stay up to date on upcoming trainings, sign up for the e-newsletter.


Upcoming Webinars
No Webinar available at this time Register Now
Previous Webinars

Your Clean Energy Communities E– Newsletter

Sign up for your Clean Energy Communities e-newsletter to stay up to date with program updates, highlights from other communities, and more. Send us your stories and pictures for us to include in our next newsletter.

Newsletters Archives

Clean Energy Communities Photo Gallery


The publications and tools on this page are compiled from across the Energize CT and Clean Energy Communities Dashboard websites for quick access.

Energy Efficiency Points
Residential Programs:  
Residential Rebates :  
Business & Municipal Projects :  
Special Project Points :  
Total Energy Efficiency Points :   

Redeemed Points :   
Remaining Points :   
Renewable Energy Points
100 Points=1 kW Clean Energy System
Residential Points* :  
Commercial Points** :  
Total Bonus kW :  
Total kW Earned:  
Total Renewable Energy Points :           
Total points as of Mar 31, 2015
Redeemed kW :           
Remaining kW :           
Town Contact
Local Clean Energy Contact:
Committee Meeting:
Description/What's Happening